The halted construction site has spurred social media barbs
By Daniel Tyson
June 5, 2024
Stalled for more than a year while the Oklahoma Dept. of Transportation awaits additional funding, a $153-million Tulsa elevated highway project stuck in the earliest stages of construction has become a punching bag of area motorists with their witty social media posts.
At a standstill after contractors—including Sherwood Cos.—completed the first phase of the five-phase Interstate 44 and Highway 75 interchange project, with just the beginnings of its concrete structural components in place, the site has inspired monikers such as Oklahoma’s Stonehenge and Traffic Henge.
State transportation officials say the project’s schedule called for a yearlong “holding pattern” as they waited for additional funding and to complete utility relocation and approval of rights of way. According to various local media reports, the project’s completion date has changed several times, but ODOT officials now say construction will recommence around November.
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