CNN By Edward-Isaac Dovere August 22, 2022
(CNN)Most of the money from President Joe Biden's massive infrastructure bill is being handed out this summer and fall, nearly a year after passage, just in time for a campaign season he hopes will keep his fellow Democrats in power. But his team's task is getting people to pay attention -- and give them credit for what they did. Starting Tuesday, Biden administration officials will start a weeks-long blitz across the country -- including in many midterm battleground states, where they'll appear with governors, senators and members of Congress -- with a pitch focused on generating local attention and media coverage, either through in-person or virtual events with local officials. This comes after multiple conversations over the summer with the Cabinet secretaries most focused on implementing the projects in which infrastructure coordinator Mitch Landrieu stressed that they'd been selling the bill all wrong. They were talking too much about the win in Washington and less about how they projects would make a difference in people's lives.
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