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City of Lawton announces formation of Streets, Roads, and Bridges Committee

KSWO By Cole Brumbelow August 9, 2023

LAWTON, Okla. (KSWO) - On Wednesday, the City of Lawton announced the formation of the Streets, Roads, and Bridges Committee. According to a press release from the City of Lawton, the committee, led by Councilman George Gill, who was appointed as chair by Mayor Booker, has been tasked with developing an eight-year plan for street and bridge improvements across the city. The committee will also include fellow councilmembers, Kelly Harris and Allan Hampton, as well as city staff from Engineering, Public Works and the City Manager’s Office. According to the statement, the plan will be based on the Oklahoma Department of Transportation’s plan to set priorities and build policies to support improvements. Currently, a plan to address the current state of roads and bridges is underway with a proposal to extend the 2017 Ad Valorem Program, which is set for a special election on September 12. The plan is to allow for the use of $60 million to improve City roadways.

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