November 10, 2021
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 2021-11-10 20:54:36 – Moore, Oklahoma (Free Press) — On November 9, the city of Moore voted for two proposals for 2021 General Obligation (GO) bonds, both passed by a significant majority. Residents voted for both measures, with 67% in favor of the first and 65% in favor of the second. “trust” Mayor Moore Glenn Lewis was pleased that both bond issuances were passed. He said the measures to receive such favorable results well reflected the city council, the mayor, and the assistant mayor. “”[It] Shows that people trust [we] I’ll do the right thing, “Lewis said. He was disappointed with the low turnout, but admitted that it wasn’t unexpected in local special elections. Voter turnout was about 5%, with more than 2,500 people voting for each major. Proposition 1 Proposal 1 is all road projects, and some residential roads require urgent treatment after severe winter storms and floods. Mayor Lewis supported the allegations of poor road conditions and identified most of the extreme ice storms that struck earlier this year. “”[Ice] Go under the asphalt and disassemble it. It needs to be completely repaired. “ He said, “The road project had to be done … you can’t wait on the road.”
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