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Colbert exit ramp off Highway 69/75 moves as ODOT constructs weigh station ahead of Highway 91

By Lauren Rangel

September 20, 2022

COLBERT, Okla. (KXII) - The exit off Highway 69/75, just before Highway 91, now added to the list of construction woes for Oklahoma drivers. “I’ve been seeing post on the Colbert page from around here that people are a little confused on where to exit since they’ve redone it, and a lot of people keep saying you better be careful of where you exit,” said Molly Henley, a driver. “It’s really confusing how they have it right now.” ODOT said its a part of a project to improve point of entry weigh stations, like the one just north of Highway 91. “The weigh stations are integral to Oklahoma in that it allows OHP and the Corporation Commission to help identify trucks that are overweight and to help them comply better so to not affect our roadways as they can when they are oversized,” said Mills Leslie, an ODOT spokesperson.

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