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Could Highway 412 become NWA's next interstate?

4029 News By Robert Suhr June 1, 2021 If a group of lawmakers gets their wish, it might one day get a lot easier to travel between Northwest Arkansas and Tulsa Oklahoma

Chances are many of you used I-49 today, the region's only major north-south interstate, and Northwest Arkansas is not served at all by a major east-west interstate. Now a group of lawmakers from Oklahoma and Arkansas is hoping to change that, but simply flipping a highway is a little more complicated than you probably think.

It’s no secret Northwest Arkansas' population is exploding, estimates have around a million people calling this area home by 2045, and all those people need the infrastructure to support it.

It’s nice to have I-49 to zip you up to Kansas City in a few hours, but getting to Tulsa and Oklahoma City to the west is another challenge.

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