The Lawton Constitution
By Kim McConnell
September 9, 2020
City Council members approved an agreement with EST Inc. Tuesday calculated to give them an idea of what needs to be done to upgrade a large segment of Lee Boulevard — and how much it will cost.
The $232,700 agreement with EST will complement an agreement the firm already has with another city entity, one to evaluate a proposal to extend Goodyear Boulevard beyond its existing termination point, so it can tie into the U.S.62/Rogers Lane overpass to create a new bypass.
EST’s analysis will look at Lee Boulevard from Goodyear Boulevard to an area near Interstate 44, or up to the point where the Oklahoma Department of Transportation assumes maintenance of East Lee Boulevard because it also is Oklahoma 7, said Amanda Newberry, EST engineer. The work to upgrade the south Lawton arterial was one of the proposals City of Lawton leaders made while they were arguing the points of the 2019 Capital Improvements Program.
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