The Lawton Constitution
By Kim McConnell
September 22, 2020
Proposals to select a consulting firm to develop the City of Lawton’s new parks master plan and contractors for new residential road projects in the Ad Valorem Road Program will top the agenda when the City Council meets today. The meeting, which includes sessions of the Lawton Water Authority and City Transit Trust, will begin at 2 p.m. in the auditorium of Lawton City Hall, Southwest 9th and C. Council members will look at a new expenditure for the 2019 Capital Improvements Program when they consider a city staff recommendation to name Halff Associates Inc., Oklahoma City, to craft a comprehensive parks, sports and recreation, trails, and open space master plan. The project is one of the first expenditures proposed from the $10 million allocated in the 2019 CIP for parks and recreation improvements, and city officials have said since last year they need to know where to start before allocating funding.
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