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Defining the “Art of the Possible” for Drone Technology with James Grimsley

Commercial UAV News

By Jeremiah Karpowicz

JUNE 15, 2021

Over and over, the FAA has stressed that safety is the top priority when it comes to allowing and integrating drones into the airspace. However, initiatives like the UAS IPP and now BEYOND highlight that the FAA isn’t passively exploring what this safe integration should look like. Instead, the FAA is actively working with leading organizations across the country to test and evaluate the integration of civil and public drone operations into the national airspace system.

The Choctaw Nation is one of the organizations that has been involved with both of these programs, although they’ve done so on a much deeper level than most. They worked with the FAA to determine how drones can best transport cargo at lower altitudes but were also the only lead participant to work with the Volpe Center on testing acoustics for UAS. The Choctaw Nation is working to collect data to develop performance-based standards, some of which will take place at a one-of-a kind testing facility that will be located deep in the heart of the Choctaw Nation.

James Grimsley is the Executive Director of Advanced Technology Initiatives for the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, and he recently detailed why Oklahoma may be the next proving grounds for drones with the creation of this facility. He talked through many other developments related to the present and future of the technology though, so we caught up with him to further detail what he wants people to know about this new facility that will be in the heart of Choctaw Nation and much more.

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