Southbound lanes at SH 39 still down to one lane
The Purcell Register By JOHN D. MONTGOMERY
January 19, 2023
Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) officials have confirmed to The Purcell Register that I-35 was originally constricted to one lane southbound over SH 39 but reopened on Thursday.
Northbound lanes and the on ramp at mile marker 91 were reopened Monday afternoon.
The bridge was damaged around 4 p.m. Thursday, January 12, when a large earth mover vehicle struck all 10 beams that support the interstate bridge.
SH 39 is also down to one lane with stop lights on both the east side and west side of the bridge.
ODOT Spokeswoman Lisa Silam said the road will remain down to one lane each way until the bridge is completely repaired.
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