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Infrastructure Updates in District 51

The Express-Star

By Rep. Brad Boles October 6, 2021

In the interim, I enjoy traveling House District 51 and hearing from constituents about issues they’re concerned about, such as the quality of our infrastructure.

In the early 2000s, Oklahoma ranked among the states with the most structurally deficient bridges. At the time, 17% of our state’s 6,800 bridges were in bad shape. After realizing the need to improve our infrastructure, the Legislature increased funds to Oklahoma Dept. of Transportation (ODOT) by adapting a more reliable funding formula.

Thanks to more than a decade of continuous improvement, ODOT has reduced the number of structurally deficient bridges from 1,168 in 2004 to only 67 in 2021. Additionally, none of the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority’s 873 bridges on the toll road network are structurally deficient. After being 49th in the nation for highway bridge conditions, Oklahoma has been in the top ten for the last two years!

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