The Norman Transcript By Joe Carter, Local Columnist
Sep 30, 2023
Every bridge has a story. Two weeks ago we told the tale of the 2016 Havenbrook Road bridge cave-in. Last week it was the near fatal 2018 West Main Street flash flood bridge disintegration. Today, it’s the 2021 Imhoff Road bridge near collapse and closure.
Shawn O’Leary, Director of Public Works tells the story, “This one was discovered on a hot summer day in 2021 during a routine bridge inspection by city staff. Two of the bridge wing walls had collapsed and there was a large void under one of the bridge approaches.” The City closed the 46-year-old bridge immediately.
Imhoff bridge is near and dear to my heart. It’s located right off State Highway 9 on the way to Lloyd Noble Center on Imhoff Road between Berry and Walnut Roads. It’s a block from my house.
Joseph Hill, City Streets Program Manager was doing bridge inspections July 28 when he made the discovery, “I was overwhelmed with anxiety and dread. The anxiety came from knowing how quickly we needed to move to ensure safe closure of the roadway and diversion of traffic to avoid injury or incident. In that, we were successful. Shortly following came the dread.”
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