The Norman Transcript By Transcript Staff Jan 17, 2023
The Oklahoma Department of Transportation is accepting written feedback for a potential highway project that would widen I-35 south or Norman in McClain County.
ODOT wants to widen I-35 from four to six lanes between mile marker 100, just south of Ladd Road and north of State Highway 9 West at mile marker 106 at the Cleveland and McClain county lines.
The proposed projects will include the addition of a new I-35 lane in each direction and widening the shoulders as well as adding a center median barrier wall.
Interchange ramps at Ladd Road, State Highway 74 and State Highway 9 West will also be modified to accommodate added lane capacity.
In a news release, ODOT said that the projects are “designed to improve safety and efficiency to accommodate expected traffic volume growth within the existing corridor right-of-way.” View the full article: