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Oklahoma DOT Plans $7.7B in Construction Projects Over 8 Years

Engineering News-REcord

By James Leggate

October 6, 2021

Oklahoma officials approved more than 300 additional projects worth nearly $2 billion for the state Dept. of Transportation’s eight-year construction plan on Oct. 4. ODOT now plans to spend $7.7 billion on more than 1,600 projects through 2029.

The projects include nearly 2,296 miles of roadway improvements, such as safety enhancements on 1,013 miles of highway with no shoulders or deficient shoulders, plus rehabilitation or replacement of 685 bridges, including the state’s last few structurally deficient bridges.

John Smaligo, president and CEO of ABC of Oklahoma, says the state’s continued infrastructure investments are “absolutely vital” and will mean heavy highway sector builders stay busy through at least the end of the decade.

“ABC and our members are thrilled to see the state’s continued investment in our infrastructure, and obviously this is a clear response on a policy level to the public demand out there for better transportation for our state,” Smaligo says.

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