Oklahoma Commerce
December 12, 2023
Beginning Dec. 15, 2023, the initial application period for the Oklahoma Route 66 Grant program will open, making $6.6 million in funding available to municipalities, nonprofits and government entities located on Route 66. This unprecedented opportunity was created by the Oklahoma Legislature to revitalize and restore Oklahoma’s historic stretch of Route 66. Grant oversight will be administered by the Oklahoma Route 66 Commission, which is comprised of Oklahomans who live and work on the Mother Road. The application period will close on Friday, Feb. 2, 2024, at 5 p.m.
“The Oklahoma Route 66 Grant program is an opportunity to bring new life to Oklahoma’s stretch of Route 66,” said Lt. Governor Matt Pinnell. “Fifty-two percent of sales tax collected in Oklahoma is from our communities along Route 66. With the centennial celebration quickly approaching, there has never been a better time to invest in the Mother Road. I am excited to see the unique project ideas and how they will bring new economic development to Oklahoma.”
View the full article: OKCommerce.gov