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Oklahoma Transportation Commission Approves New $7.7B Plan

Construction Equipment Guide OCTOBER 20, 2021 PUBLIC RADIO TULSA A state commission gave the green light to the Oklahoma Department of Transportation's new $7.7 billion, eight-year construction plan. The plan is updated annually and the new one covering through federal fiscal year 2029 covers approximately 300 more projects and $1.6 billion more than the previous one. The work plan represents a nearly 50-50 split of state and federal funding for work through federal fiscal year 2029. State Transportation Secretary Tim Gatz said he's confident Congress will pass a federal highway funding bill soon, despite disagreement on a broader infrastructure package. "I feel like the federal funding projections we have utilized are certainly in line with what would be expected in our long-term reauthorization, but that's where it all begins.," Gatz said. "Setting those funding projections is first and foremost as we begin to consider the critical needs across the state." Some of the critical needs in the new eight-year plan include repairs for nearly 700 bridges and safety improvements on nearly 1,000 mi. of rural, two-lane roads.

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