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Oklahoma Turnpike Authority adjusting route of controversial extension

The Journal Record

By: Jeff Elkins June 21, 2023

The Oklahoma Turnpike Authority intends to adjust its route for a toll road located west of Lake Thunderbird if the state Supreme Court allows it to sell bonds for the project. As prompted by the court, the authority last week filed a response to the pending bond validation proceeding for its $5 billion Access Oklahoma plan. The court asked the agency to explain why it allowed the approval of $500 million in bonds for the plan to expire and whether realignment of a southern extension toll road should be addressed before the validation proceeding completes. If the state Supreme Court decides to validate the bonds, the OTA will resubmit an application to the Council of Bond Oversight and work with the Bureau of Reclamation to change the alignment of the planned south extension, which runs north and south just west of Lake Thunderbird, according to an OTA release.

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