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Port Muskogee Lands $33.9M To Develop Infrastructure

The U.S. DOT has awarded Muskogee City-County Port Authority $23.9 million to address infrastructure needs at Port Muskogee; Oklahoma approved another $10 million. Business Facilities November 2, 2022

In Oklahoma, the Muskogee City-County Port Authority has been awarded a Port Infrastructure Development Program Grant (PIDP) from the U.S. Department of Transportation for $23.9 million to address infrastructure needs at Port Muskogee. The authority will also receive $10 million which was approved by the Oklahoma State Legislature in October. Located on America’s most inland waterway, Port Muskogee is a 450-acre industrial complex that offers year-round access to 20 states and global seaports by way of the Gulf of Mexico. It has contributed more than $2 billion and 2,500 jobs to northeastern Oklahoma’s economy. “Today is a monumental win for Muskogee. This $23.9 million grant will bring transformational change as Port Muskogee continues to serve northeast Oklahoma and global industries, ensuring Muskogee remains a global port city for generations to come,” said Port Director Kimbra Scott. “We are grateful for the trust from U.S. DOT and all who supported our grant application at the federal, state and local levels. The Port is well-positioned as an economic engine for Muskogee, northeast Oklahoma and its citizens.

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