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Push For 'President Donald J. Trump Highway' Stalls In Oklahoma Senate

Public Radio Tulsa By MATT TROTTER APRIL 30, 2021

A plan to dedicate a stretch of state highway in Cimarron County "President Donald J. Trump Highway" hit a speed bump this week. With an omnibus highway dedication bill up for a floor vote, Oklahoma City Democratic Sens. Kay Floyd and Carri Hicks pointed out under state law, most people must have been dead three years before they’re honored with a highway dedication. Sen. Rob Standridge (R-Norman) claimed the legislature makes exceptions regularly and could do so for the segment of Highway 287 in Cimarron County from Boise City to the Texas border proposed for the former president's name. "The name you allude to is probably the most popular president this state has voted for. So, we name highways and bridges after all sorts of popular leaders, famous leaders," Standridge said. View the full article:

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