McAlester News-Capital By Derrick James
June 12, 2023
A rate increase for drivers on the Indian Nation Turnpike without a PikePass was recently approved as the tollway is scheduled to become cashless next year.
The Oklahoma Turnpike Authority approved the increase during its regular scheduled meeting last week in Oklahoma City as the agency moves to convert all 12 turnpikes to cashless by the end of 2024.
“PlatePay offers a safe and convenient way to keep traffic flowing while allowing motorists to handle tolls at their convenience online,” Oklahoma Secretary of Transportation and OTA Executive Director Tim Gatz said in a statement. “PlatePay helps create a safer turnpike system by eliminating sudden speed changes needed to pay cash tolls.”
The agency plans to convert the Indian Nation, Will Rogers, Turner, and the Muskogee Turnpikes to the PlatePay system by the end of 2024.
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