The Claremore Progress
By Renee Fite
April 14, 2023
Most people like progress until it’s in their backyards, and beginning April 14, road closings are coming as part of the Phase II State Highway 20 expansion project.
Citizens who travel Flint Road and a small section of Frederick Road east of S.H. 66 will need to consider alternate routes.
“We know bridge and road construction projects can be inconvenient, but it also comes with long-term improvements for Rogers County citizens," said Commissioner Chairman Ron Burrows of District 3.
This is a joint project between the Oklahoma Department of Transportation and the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority, and the cost is $68 million.
The closure will possibly remain in place until the beginning 2024, after the new Flint Road bridge is built over the Will Rogers Turnpike.
There are essentially five parts to the project, including two bridges.
Phase II of the S.H. 20 Expansion Project includes adding five miles of new roadway from the Verdigris River to the Will Rogers Turnpike; adding a bridge over the BNSF Rail Line and Route 66; adding a new intersection; improving the Route 66 and King Road intersection; adding a new bridge over the Turnpike; and adding a new Oklahoma Turnpike Authority interchange. View the full article: