OKW News By David Deaton February 16, 2021
Press Release
OKLAHOMA CITY – House Republican leaders issued the following statements on the Board of Equalization’s certification of revenues today for the Fiscal Year 2022 appropriated budget:
“Vaccines occurring and businesses recovering have the economy and revenues rebounding well enough to replenish reserves, set strong agency budgets and grant tax relief to continue kickstarting Oklahoma’s recovery. Keeping the economy open is continuing to benefit Oklahoma, both for our citizens and now for our state budget.” – House Speaker Charles McCall, R-Atoka
“Our decision last year to not appropriate our full authority and make some cautious, temporary appropriation reductions – followed by an improving economy – has Oklahoma’s budget in better shape than most other states. With this certification, we can make targeted investments in agencies, replenish reserves and even consider tax relief. State government is in a very good spot thanks to restrained conservative budgeting last year and a resilient economy.” – House Appropriations and Budget Chairman Kevin Wallace, R-Wellston
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