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Transportation Stakeholders Press Congress on $1 Trillion Infrastructure Bill

Transport Topics

By Eugene Mulero

September 30, 2021

Funding Measure Approved; Partial Shutdown Averted

To guarantee long-term funding for the country’s freight and passenger mobility systems, transportation stakeholders are urging Congress to pass a $1 trillion infrastructure measure. Executives representing the freight industry, the business sector, construction firms, environmental groups and transit systems have pressed U.S. House lawmakers to approve the Senate-passed infrastructure measure. Included in the bill is a multiyear update of the country’s federal highway law, known as the FAST Act. The law’s authorization expired Sept. 30 but has been extended for 30 days. Speaker Nancy Pelosi provided House Democrats with a new Oct. 31 target date to pass the stalled bipartisan infrastructure bill, saying she backed off a pledge to bring the measure to a vote Sept. 30 and Oct. 1 because it would have been defeated.

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