The Norman Transcript
By Mindy Ragan Wood
February 22, 2022
Norman residents will see the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority expand connections to existing turnpikes and a new turnpike, the agency said Tuesday.
It’s part of a $5 billion, 15-year long-range plan announced Tuesday that will install roadways to connect to nearby interstates 44, 40 and 35 using existing turnpikes to expand routes throughout the state, according to Secretary of Transportation Tim Gatz.
The projects will be paid for with bonds and “revenue will not be diverted from other state priorities,” a release reads.
The construction includes a new east-west turnpike from the I-44 Moore-Norman-Oklahoma City area east to I-35 and then east to the South Extension, according to the project. It includes interchanges at I-44, Western Ave/60th Ave NW, 36th Ave NW, I-35, S. Broadway, S. Sooner Rd/SH-77H, S. Douglas/48th St, and East Side Connector.
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