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We can come together for smart infrastructure

The Washington Times

By U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe

February 23, 2021

I am eager to get to work on infrastructure policy to further Oklahoma priorities and bring needed investment to the roads, bridges, and infrastructure that connect communities, support economic productivity, and create jobs across America. I am confident we can do this unless the left wing of the Democratic Party insists on their radical agenda being included. Infrastructure legislation has historically been an area where the two sides have come together with bipartisanship as a commitment. As we continue to rebuild and reconnect our communities from the past year, we must ensure any infrastructure focuses exclusively on just that: real, needed infrastructure. We have proven time and again that infrastructure is something we can come together to do. We did it in 2012 with the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21) and in 2015 with the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act. We’ve made real change happen in the past. With strong bipartisan support in Congress, MAP-21 made real progress to accelerate construction by putting the power back where it should be—in the hands of the states. It gave states like Oklahoma much needed flexibility to use transportation money how they saw fit, cutting Washington bureaucrats out of the process. We must preserve and advance this progress in future bipartisan transportation reauthorization bills.

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