As Wyoming highways see more traffic from electric vehicles (EV), the Wyoming Department of Transportation, which is supported by fuel taxes EV drivers don’t pay, is looking at ways to tax them to pay for using Wyoming roads.
Cowboy State Daily By Kevin Killough June 01, 2023
The state of Wyoming is considering a tax on electric vehicle charging.
Taxes on liquid fuels support Wyoming Department of Transportation operations and road maintenance, but electric vehicle drivers don’t pay those taxes.
As more EVs cross Wyoming highways, the state is looking at ways to generate revenue from EVs that are using Wyoming roads.
The Joint Transportation, Highways and Military Affairs Committee heard proposals for several approaches to a tax on the energy EVs use last week. The first taxes could go into effect as early as December.
“We are fuel tax people looking to get into the business of EV taxation,” said Wayne Hassinger, who heads the WYDOT fuel tax program.
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